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The Importance of Drama Class for Kids

While drama might not seem like a particularly important element of the school curriculum, it does happen to come with a whole host of benefits for young people that can support their progress across other areas of their education. I have teamed up with a primary school in Hillingdon to explore the importance of drama class for kids in detail below.

Drama Class for Kids

disclosure: this is a partnered post

Builds Confidence

Drama lessons are a great way to help a child become more confident. While it doesn’t happen overnight, one hour of drama class per week will eventually allow a child to feel more comfortable speaking up in front of others and voicing their opinions. This is because they are encouraged to perform in front of their peers which, in turn, will help them in their other lessons where they may feel better about raising their hand and contributing to class discussions.

Develops Literacy Skills

Reading from a script will also help youngsters with their literacy skills, as they learn about famous playwrights and expand their vocabulary. What’s more, speaking up coherently in front of others will help them with their communication skills.  This is one of the key benefits of drama class for kids.

Promotes Teamwork 

Drama also promotes teamwork; a valuable skill that can be transferred across other areas of a child’s education, and into their career. Students are encouraged to put any differences aside and work together to ensure a performance goes well. A confident child who is able to communicate well with their peers is a child who will be better equipped at tackling other challenges thrown their way.

Encourages Interest in Different Activities

Another benefit of drama class for kids is that it might introduce them to different passions, not just performing centre stage. For example, a child might want to try writing their own play or helping out backstage with lighting, sound or set design. Introducing children to various different pursuits and career opportunities is what school is all about.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about the importance of drama class for kids.  As you can see, there are an abundance of benefits to introducing young people to performing arts which can greatly assist with other areas of their life.

this is a contributed article

Picture of Shelley Whittaker

Shelley Whittaker

Shelley is the Founder of Wander & Luxe. She is an award nominated blogger and has worked in the travel, motherhood and lifestyle space since 2016. Her mission is to inspire family wanderlust by showing her adventures and sharing her knowledge and know how when travelling with kids. All whilst she tries to conquer motherhood and indulge in life’s little luxuries.

Picture of Shelley Whittaker

Shelley Whittaker

Shelley is the Founder of Wander & Luxe. She is an award nominated blogger and has worked in the travel, motherhood and lifestyle space since 2016. Her mission is to inspire family wanderlust by showing her adventures and sharing her knowledge and know how when travelling with kids. All whilst she tries to conquer motherhood and indulge in life’s little luxuries.

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Inspiring and Informing Your Family Wanderlust
Aussie Wife | Yorkshire Mama
Lover of Coffee, Champagne and A Little Luxe
Perth, Western Australia

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