Feel sexy after motherhood – is there such a thing? The answer is, yes of course! In those early days of becoming a mother it is very difficult to see how. Your body is no longer your own as your recover from birth and (quite literally) give life to your newborn if you choose to breastfeed. Maternity bras, pads the size of a surfboard and that pouch affectionately known as the ‘mum tum‘ do not exactly scream sexiness.
However, like everything with pregnancy and motherhood, it is all a phase and will soon pass. Before you know it, you will be back to feeling somewhat like your old self … or at least enjoying your new self. So, how do you feel sexy after motherhood?
I spoke to 4 amazing mamas who blog or have their own small business, about what they did to feel sexy after motherhood. Then for fun I asked them to choose their favorite item from Anya Lust that they would feel sexy in. Here is what they had to say.
Shelley Whittaker – Wander & Luxe
In those first few months as a new mother, it is very hard to feel like yourself, let alone feel sexy. But once you pull yourself out of that newborn haze you can slowly start to focus on yourself. I started to make a conscious effort to wear heels and lipstick and my favorite jewelry again. I evenly recently tried Botox for the first time!
I highly encourage you to take that extra 5-10 minutes to get dressed, apply some makeup and make sure you feel good about your appearance. Self confidence itself oozes sexiness. And the first thing I did as soon as I finished breastfeeding was rush out and buy some lovely new bras. Everything had changed shape and size and I could literally not spend another day looking at my maternity bras!
Shelley’s Choice from Anya Lust: Desert Rose Balcony Bra
Cheryl Flounders – I Want Never Gets
I’m 37 weeks pregnant with my second baby so it’s difficult to remember a time when I was feeling sexy (ha!). However, after my first child, I remember having a new found confidence. Having been through pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding my daughter I had a new found respect for my body and all that it can do. That in turn empowered me to feel more confident. And confidence makes you feel sexy!
Women’s bodies are incredible and should be celebrated! Making time for yourself, which is easier said than done when you have little ones, is very important too. Make the time, even if just one evening a week, to light a candle, indulge in a hot bath, and have a pamper – it is a must! Taking some time out for yourself will help you to feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable within your own skin. And if your partner can join you in the experience, even better!
Cheryl’s Choice from Anya Lust: Rita Silk Pajama Set
Samantha Vanderwert – The Cle Collective
During my pregnancy I had 9 months of people telling me I was glowing, but for quite some time after childbirth I hardly felt like I was glowing. I was no longer sporting designer bags but more like the dark circles of death under my eyes whilst half of my hair was falling out (thanks post-partum hormones).
Not to mention I went from a size B to a DD and now I think I’d call it a very sad A. It’s sad to say I have far too many different sized bras for one person. People were constantly telling me I looked tired and ‘things were going to get easier’.
So how have I managed to feel sexy after motherhood? Personally, less is more. I have adjusted my morning routine to fit into Cleo’s first nap of the day which is 45 minutes. Or I have a simple go to tinted moisturiser and eyebrow pencil for the 5 minute dash out the door. I don’t worry about what I eat but more so fitting in time for exercise that suits my new lifestyle.
I’ve accepted my body won’t ever be the same as before pregnancy, but I’m also realising its not necessarily a bad thing.
I keep my wardrobe to a minimum, now knowing what is most flattering on my new body. I choose items to hide the parts I’m least fond of and others to enhance what has now gone. Treating myself to a new bra was a game changer!
Samantha’s Choice from Anya Lust: Kai Lace Lingerie Set
Ashley Hutchings – Mom Uptown
The instant way to feel sexy after motherhood is to address the “boob” situation. That area of a woman’s body really takes a beating. Your breasts get very big during pregnancy, and instead of investing in lacy, sexy bras for the short term, you invest in nursing bras, because that’s what you will need when they stay large, just after childbirth. Then, you realize what goes up must come down.
As your baby weans off nursing, it feels like he or she is literally sucking the sexy out of you. You’re left with a deflated chest and confidence level! After my daughter was weaned, months later I still found myself in nursing bras! When I couldn’t hide my ugly bra under a summer tank, I knew it was time for an upgrade. I invested in practical, but still sexy styles, that fit my new shape and size, and reminded me that this mama’s still got it!
Ashley’s Choice from Anya Lust: Rosa Lace Bra
Carly Crawford – Mom of Two Little Girls
Feeling sexy after your become a mum can take time, well it did for me at least. I really struggled to feel comfortable in my own skin, especially because it’s not just the pregnancy. It’s the feeling that your breasts and your whole body belong to someone else, this tiny human you created.
To feel sexy after motherhood takes time, it takes effort, and it takes patience. Even a few years later, these 3 things still factor in to feeling sexy because without them you feel distracted and not at your best. We deserve to feel sexy again, to reclaim the part of ourselves that may have been lost to motherhood for a while.
It’s all about your identity, and doing something for you that’s just about you and your partner. Its important to keep the romance alive after kids too! Sometimes it’s as simple as a shower, a shave and a sexy little outfit. That’s all it takes to feel sexy again, because, let’s face it. There often isn’t time for much more.
Carly’s Choice from Anya Lust: Lourdes Babydoll Set
I hope our words have provided encouragement that many of us feel the same after becoming a new mum and in time, you too will feel sexy after motherhood. There is definitely no need to put pressure on yourself to feel as though you need to quickly bounce back after pregnancy. We would love to hear your experiences and additional advice, so share the love and leave a comment below.
Whilst you are here, why not catch up on some of my other blogs about motherhood like How to Make Mum Friends (and Build an Amazing Mum Tribe) and 8 Stylish Baby Bags for Every Mum. And just remember, you’ve got this mama – you are doing an amazing job! Shell x
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16 Responses
Wow love this blog post so much! I’m not a mum YET! but hopefully in the next few years. I’m loving all the body positivity xxx
Loving the positivity in this post! Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday
My little one is two and although i definitely feel more confident now then i ever did. Due to a lack of sleep i’m usually too tired to care at the moment ?
The tiredness definitely doesn’t help, does it?!? I’m finding that a more organised ‘capsule wardrobe’ is helping me feel much better about my appearance day to day. Thanks for commenting xx
Great body positivity tips here. Give yourself some time is certainly an important step. #KCACOLS
I couldn’t agree more – it is so important to give yourself time to recover and to find the new normal.
My wife was more beautiful than ever after having our two children. #KCACOLS
That is so, so sweet 🙂
I didn’t feel very sexy BEFORE motherhood, so I never really thought much about this issue. I’d say that becoming a mum made me more comfortable with my own body. But nowadays I’m honestly too old and tired to care, for the most part, lol.
Thank you for linking up with #KCACOLS, hope you come back again next time! x
I would have to agree with you that becoming a mum has made me more comfortable with my own body too. It is truly amazing what it is capable of! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment xx